Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Important Info: Jan. 6th -9th

Happy New Year and welcome back to school! I am excited to be back. Many of you know that I ended up in the hospital the last week of school with kidney stones that resulted in 2 surgeries and a long recovery. I am still not 100%, but I am much better! Thank you so much for your prayers and support and a special thank you to Ronja Roland for helping in the class while I was out.

As we start the New Year there are many important notes coming home in your child's folder. Please look for these important ones tonight:
*Field Trip Permission Slip (neon yellow)-DUE FRIDAY
*School Calendar (bright blue)
*Important School Dates (neon red)
*100 Club Log for this 9 weeks (purple)
*January Book It Calendar (white)
*Famous Americans Choices (white)-DUE WEDNESDAY

Field Trip Permission Slip & Money:
Your child is bringing home a neon yellow field trip permission slip. Please return this signed form and include the money for the field trip by Friday, Jan 9th. Unfortunately, we do not have room for parents to attend this field trip. 

Famous Americans:
Your child will be researching and creating a presentation on a Famous American to be presented in front of the class, parents, and guests, the first part of February. They will be doing the vast part of the work in class, but will need your help with the costume. Please be thinking of this as they choose their 3 top choices tonight. Choices area listed on the form in their folder. They will need to dress like their Famous American when they make their presentation. 

100 Club Log and Book-It:
Your child will be bringing home a new 100 Club Log and Book-It Calendar. Please make reading a priority in your home this year. Your child will make it a priority if you do. I can see a vast improvement in the children whose parents are helping them with their reading at home. 

The dreaded 3 letter word...FLU!
The flu is running rampant this season. Many of your homes may have already been affected by this terrible illness. My mom told me last night that 26 children have already died from the flu in the past few weeks. With that being said, please, please, please help me contain this disease and help it not to spread in our school. I am including a link to a tool from Vanderbilt's Monroe Carrell Jr. Children's Hospital to help you determine if someone in your family has the flu. Many people are contagious and do not even know it. 
Please do not send your child to school if they are sick in any way! 
Monroe Carrell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt Flu Tool

Related Arts: 

Monday-no school

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